Please correct numeration of towers of 220 kV Rheinau - Hoheneck (Hoheneck West)

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380 kV
BerichtenCOLON 775
GeregistreerdCOLON 28 Apr 2020 01:47

Please correct numeration of towers of 220 kV Rheinau - Hoheneck (Hoheneck West)

Bericht door Toliman » 28 Jul 2023 22:34

The numbers of the power line "220 kV Rheinau - Hoheneck (Hoheneck West)" ( ... 818/9.2199 ) have to be corrected for all towers following tower 116 by subtracting 1 of the shown tower number. So at this line tower 116 becomes tower 115, tower 117 becomes tower 116, etc.

An example is shown at viewtopic.php?p=37551#p37552 !

Please also replace the designation of tower 1114 by tower 114a and the designation of tower 1115 by tower 114b !